The first item is the one that I saw as soon as I opened the box!! #soexcited :
This is Tarte's "Lights, Camera, Flashes" mascara! This item is full size and retails for $23.00. I could not BELIEVE that this was included in this box. The price of this mascara exceeded the price I paid for the ENTIRE box and this was just the first item!! Here is a closeup of the wand:
It is advertised as an age defying cream with "super 7 complex." This product only contains those 7 ingredients: Lotus flower extract, blue-green algae extract, hibiscus fruit extract, fig fruit extract, vitamins C and E, and vegetable glycerol. This is the texture of the cream:
Now when I first applied this perfume, I was NOT a fan. The scent seemed very strong and almost smelled like Men's Cologne. However, after warming it up on my wrists and allowing it to sit and meld, it softened to a pleasant-like feminine scent. However, I did find the scent to be a bit grandmother-like after letting it sit for a while and I, sorry to say am still not a fan. :o(
this full size lip gloss by the company Balance Me. This lip treatment smells of mint and is marketed as a salve leading me to believe it does more than just sit on your lips and look pretty. After applying it, it tingled slightly on my lips and smelled amazing. The tint that is added to it just makes this lip gloss that much better!!
This is an anti aging mask and I have not yet applied it to give an honest review but I cannot wait to try it!
This is Tarte's "Lights, Camera, Flashes" mascara! This item is full size and retails for $23.00. I could not BELIEVE that this was included in this box. The price of this mascara exceeded the price I paid for the ENTIRE box and this was just the first item!! Here is a closeup of the wand:
The next item is this face cream by Fresh:
Next is a perfume sample by Bvlgari, called "au the' vert" :
Next, we have :
And my final item was a skin mask:
One thing that I have noticed is that at the ripe old age of 33, I am beginning to get a LOT more anti aging products in these boxes ( who have my profile including my age) and instead of being offended, I have now accepted that prevention is the key to getting (gulp...) older. Thanks so much for reading!
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