So, ( I have been starting a lot of these blogs with "so" ) I have been watching a lot of YouTube videos on makeup storage and collection and the one item that a lot of beauty guru's have in common (by ways of storage) is the Alex 9 drawer system from Ikea that looks like this:
However, I am not sure this is the best system for me because I am what you would call an " out of sight out of mind" person when it comes to makeup. I am afraid that if I break down and purchase this system, a lot of the makeup that I have will be forgotten about until I have to throw it out. Because the drawers are solid, I am not going to see certain products unless I open the drawer and go through it. That being said, here is a picture of my my current storage system pure, raw, and uncut lol!!

Please don't mind the roll of paper towels on the window sill, I keep them there in case of those unforeseen emergency spills that me, in all of my clumsy splendor, tends to have on a weekly basis. But I digress, so this storage system has worked well for me in the past few months by forcing me not to purchase too much and keep the clutter to a minimum... almost...

That is until I discovered that I could store these items in a separate drawer system that I found at Target! Here is a peak inside the drawers..

And finally the nail drawer up close and personal

Now with the amount of makeup that I have (and showing no signs of slowing down with the acquiring of more) the Alex 9 system seems like a good investment and if I can keep in mind that I need to rotate my makeup, I may be able to make it work for me.... Maybe??
So how do you all store your makeup? Do any of you have the Alex 9 drawers and love or hate them? Whatever your opinion, please comment below because I really need to find a new system so that the clutter is not as bad as I have a feeling it is going to get. Thanks for reading!
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